Old Snap

Charlie and me are pretty much over our Happy New Year colds. Well, me mostly. Charlie still has that pesky cough. It’s the kind of thing that really revs up at night, just when you’re trying to sleep. But we’re both happy to be on the other side of it, starting to have our usual energy back. Remember when a cold lasted about three days, five max? I do. And then you’d snap out of it? Now we’re talking ten days to two weeks. What happened? Have the bugs gotten nastier or is it because we’re old? On top of recovering from this bug, I had myself what I can only call an “old snap” …

Not Pushing Yourself

Both Charlie and me are recovering from colds right now. I’m a few days ahead of him ’cause I got it first. I was trying to push myself into doing my blog, then I thought, Hey, wait a minute! Is this the way I want to start off the new year? Pushing myself to do something that I just don’t feel like doing right now? Not listening to that little voice in my head that’s telling me to kick back and relax, to take care of myself so I can get better quicker? No siree Bob! We started 2024 with Covid and it turned out pretty good. And this cold has not dimmed my hope …