Today is our anniversary, and my sweetheart wrote me a love poem. It’s based on a something that actually happened a few years ago. Seriously, this is a true story The Tale of the Missing Wedding Ring Leave it to Ida to not miss a thing “Charlie,” she asked, “where is your ring?” Indeed it was missing, I didn’t know Where it had gone, or how long ago My ring had decided, for reasons unknown Perhaps it was time to go off on its own That ring, I think, had a valid excuse ‘Cause man, it had suffered years of abuse In the woods, in my shop, doin’ chores in the yard With gloves on …
Here’s a story of misspent youth, courtesy of Charlie. Physics 101 We saw it all happen, my friend Bud and me From the booth where we sat at the ol’ Busy Bee Waiting we were, for the rest of the boys We heard, of a sudden, this terrible noise Almost as if we were hearing a fight This pickup pulled up to our one traffic light With rock music blarin’, speakers all blown And some jackass yellin’ he’s “bad to the bone” Bangin’ the beat on the side of his door Then hootin’ and hollerin’, yellin’ some more “Who is this clown?” says Bud with a frown The notorious Whitey Junior By that I mean …
Charlie come up with a doozy this week, an anthem of sorts. It’s part confession, part bragging, and not a word of it is true. Right! Think: semi-truck with a cracked muffler. I Snore I snore, I know Everyone has told me so I sputter, I snort Not a very glowing report I tried elevatin’ Our old box spring Squirt something up my nose But it doesn’t do a thing I snore, so what? I wish that I could keep my mouth shut But I can’t, I’ve tried Even though I sleep on my side I wake up all alone My wife got up at four She fled to the couch Couldn’t take it anymore …
Every house project takes at least two, three, four times longer than you think it’s going to. That box that says “all parts included” is lying. You dive into repairing that little bit of rot outside the front door and discover it’s the tip of the iceberg. And don’t even get me going on window treatments and paint chips! Experience has taught me that if Charlie’s going to be attempting one of these little chores, it’s best if I’m out of the house. So Saturday, when Charlie announced he was going to install our new bathroom blind, I called up my sister, Irene, and we went down to the Busy Bee for breakfast, then on …
I’m letting Charlie handle this week’s blog as I’m recovering from the flu. And yes, I did get the flu shot, but like a lot of things nowadays, it’s not 100%. The good news is I didn’t get as sick as I would have without the vaccine. It’s been a week and I’m starting to bounce back. Luckily, I was able to clear my schedule and do the rest and drink plenty of liquids deal. It’s about the only thing that really works with the flu. And Scamp is a good little nurse. Here’s Charlie’s latest poem. You Don’t Belong Indoors There’s a stinkbug in the sink where I would really like to shave But to …
It’s been a few weeks since I finished radiation, and I’m starting to feel more myself. And heck, it’s almost March. March in Maine means even if you get snow, you still feel hopeful that spring is right around the corner. Now that I have more energy, I’m trying to catch up on some of the things I let slide. Still trying not to sweat the small stuff, but there’s a limit. I mean, dust bunnies the size of tumbleweeds? That’s just not right! Here’s a poem about what Charlie’s been up to lately. I Didn’t and Here We Are I coulda snow-blown while the snow was fluff Before it all turned to that crusty …
I had to go in for a mammogram last week. I know! I just finished radiation for breast cancer and I have go in for a mammogram? Don’t worry. They didn’t pancake the tender one, the one that was operated on and then irradiated. No, I get to have a mammogram on that one in six months. This was for my left breast. Now my boobs are on a different schedule. Honey, the girls have seen more action in the past few months than when Charlie and me were first dating! It’s the first time I’ve ever been nervous for a mammogram. Actually, I was a little cranky because I didn’t want to be there. …
Have you ever had a chore that just gets shuffled from one to-do list to another? Something that needs to be fixed or put away or thrown away, but you never to get to it. “Maybe tomorrow,” you say. But tomorrow never comes. And by the by, you don’t even notice anymore when you jiggle the handle of the pesky toilet. Or automatically bump your hip against that drawer that sticks when you come to shut it. Well, you’re not alone. Charlie got inspired. Not to do his chore, but to write a poem about not doing it. I’ll Get To It One Of These Days There’s a nail head that catches my shovel, it …
We were hanging out with our niece Caitlin and her boyfriend, Adam, last week. It was a typical January day, cold and blustery, with an occasionally flurry thrown in for good measure. But it was warm inside, and we were having breakfast for supper. This is something we used to do all the time when we Caitlin was little and we were babysitting. French toast and bacon were on the menu. Caitlin and Adam are vegetarian, so they usually bring along some veggie bacon for me to cook up for them. Personally, I don’t get the point for veggie bacon. It just seems kind of unnatural. But we humor ‘em. Could have knock me over …
Charlie wrote this poem after our first snow. I saved it to share now because this is how I feel about New Year’s Day. Saved By the Bell Remember in school, them happy days when You were stuck in some class that just wouldn’t end? Some stupid subject you had to learn And after Teresa, it was your turn To stand up and somehow pretend that you cared Again you have managed to come unprepared You’re startin’ to sweat, you’re gonna get hell When ring-a-ding-ding! You’re saved by the bell Into the fall, one of my biggest peeves Is havin’ to deal with our acre of leaves Oak leaves and maple, pine needles, too Hours …