Participating in a Positive Way

My sister, Irene, and me visit our dad down to Mahoosuc Green three to four times a week. Sometimes we go together, but most times we go separately. You know, so he gets more visits. Mahoosuc Green is our senior living facility in town. Their tag line is, “Experience your finest senior moments with us.” That may have been true when Dad was in independent living. Not so much when it comes to assisted living and memory care. That’s no fault of Mahoosuc Green. It’s just how things are. As my friend Shirley says, “Getting old ain’t for sissies.” See, Dad has dementia. Though he still recognizes us, thank God! There’s always this moment at …

Getting to Know Each Other

Cora had a face lift. We took her to the groomer and got rid of the frou-frou poodle cut that was weighing her down. Off with the pom-pom! The fly-away ears. Now, she looks like our dog. The puppy cut takes years off, in my opinion. She’ll be eleven on August 8, but if you see her from a distance, prancing along on our walk, you’d think she was five years younger. The grey hair is a giveaway, of course. Happens to the best of us! ‘Course, the closest I’ve come to seeing how much grey hair I have was at the beginning of Covid. Frankly, I was shocked! But, thanks to an emergency color …

Meet Cora

Before Scamp passed, I whispered in his ear, “Scamp, send us the perfect dog at the perfect time.” And he did. Charlie and me picked Cora up a week ago yesterday. The owners are moving to a condo and can’t take her with them. I felt real bad for them, but happy for us at the same time. Cora’s name was Courtney, but that was a non-starter for Charlie. He goes, “I ain’t walking no dog named Courtney.” Thank goodness for the Google. There were lots of tips on there for changing your dog’s name. We figured Cora was pretty close. Plus, it really suits her. She’s such a sweet, smart girl! We wanted a …

Scamp Crosses the Rainbow Bridge

I’ve been putting off writing this blog post. It’s been almost two weeks now since we had to say good-bye to our little buddy. Scamp didn’t seem to be in any pain, but he was just a shadow of his former self. The spunk was gone, the spark, too. No more long walks, no jumping up on the Barcalounger love seat, that little tail of his no longer stood at attention. Why, even his bark had changed. He didn’t eat much, except for treats. I swear, the only thing keeping him going was love. I woke in the middle of the night hearing Scamp try to get comfortable, going from his bed to the floor …

Merry Month of March

Wow! Last week, the weather was wacky to the max! Mid-week we got a “dusting” of snow that ended up being about three inches. It was that wet kind of snow that sticks to all the trees and shrubs and makes the world look magical. I took a walk the morning after our little storm. The real feel temps were hovering around 23 degrees, but the sun was shining and the world looked so bright and clear, with a sky the most intense shade of blue. A couple hours later, the trees were bare again. The ice had melted off the cars, and there was this steady drip, drip, drip from the roof as the …

On New Year’s Eve day, I had an Aha moment. Yup, I’m giving Oprah a run for her money. I was working down to the A&P, wishing folks “Happy New Year,” like you do. And I thought, How many times am I gonna say “Happy New Year” in the next few weeks? It’s just something you do without thinking, right? Well, what if I put some mojo behind it? What if, when I say “Happy New Year” I do it with intention, as my niece Caitlin says. What if I really wish that person happiness in the new year, and at the same time, for myself, too. Kind of an affirmation (Caitlin, again). “I am …

Wahoo! My new electric toothbrush has arrived! My old one had been acting wonky for months. It got harder and harder to turn on. And once it was on, it was hard to turn off. It’s amazing when I think about how long I put up with that. Then, it stopped working altogether. So on Cyber Monday, I ordered a new one. Got a great deal on it, too. But at that point, it didn’t matter; I would have gone to Walgreens and bought one anyways. The incident reminded of last summer when we got together with my cousins at Claudette and Roger’s camp. We all stayed over a couple of nights. The last morning, …

Saturday afternoon, I was out walking Scamp around the neighborhood when I heard this little girl shriek with delight. I turned my head, like you do, and that’s when I saw it: a young Dad, holding his daughter over his head, helping her fly. And just like that, I was her, that little girl, looking down at my strong Dad, laughing eyes filled with love. Then, in a blink of an eye, I remembered back to that morning, me sitting with my dad, now a confused old man with sad eyes. I’m holding his hand, and he’s saying, “I don’t know. I just don’t know what’s going on.” And I’m thinking, Neither do I Dad. …

AARP Magazine

The other night, Charlie and me were in the den. He was  watching the tube and I was reading the AARP Magazine when I think, when did this happen? When did I go from joking about this magazine to actually reading it? Not flipping through it, not scanning it, but actually reading it? I mean, finding the articles interesting and helpful. The celebrities on the cover used to be old looking, you know? Now I find myself saying things like, “Gee, that Michael Douglas still is a good looking guy.” In fact, this issue I got more excited about the article called “Your Big Health Questions Answered” than the one about budget vacations. That worries …

Charlie’s latest brings to mind so many thoughts. Take a gander, then I’ll share ‘em with you. Look Up and Be Proud Grandpa once told me “Look up and be proud! Distinguishable From the rest of the crowd” But each time I did, Wouldn’t you know, I’d stumble or trip Over something below A rake or a pail Or the root of a tree A crusty old dog That I didn’t see There’s always some obstacle Down on the ground That is the reason I’ve always looked down My posture, I know, Has taken a hit Best thing for me? Find somewhere to sit Where I’m out of range Of things I could trip on …