My Favorite Christmas

Phew! Only one more holiday to go! But New Years is kid’s stuff compared to the Big Enchilada: Christmas. What a production! I feel like a Mack truck hit me, but, you know, in a good sort of way. I wish I could be more relaxed about these things; having the house clean and not getting so caught up in making everything just right. But at this point, it’s kind of hard to change. My sister Irene’s the same way. Tidiness was passed down to us from our mother, who got it from her mother. It’s worth all the hard work, though, seeing the family gathered ‘round, talking and eating and laughing, and eating some …

Just Get Outta Her Way

We’re coming down the home stretch now, and none too soon. Being under the weather put me behind the eight ball on my holiday to do list. That makes me stressed out, and when I get that way, real food stops appealing to me. I just want to eat sugary stuff. That is a recipe for disaster, as my husband Charlie so nicely let me know in this lovely poem about the joy of the holiday season.   Just Get Outta Her Way Now that the lights are on the house My concern is for my spouse ‘Cause every Christmas, it repeats: “Over committed, too many sweets”  Last weekend, Ida was the star Of St. …

Creeping Crud

Just a short one today because I have bronchitis and a sinus infection and Charlie has a cold. Merry Christmas! You know the dueling banjos theme from that movie, “Deliverance,” I think? Come sundown, that’s what it’s like at our house, only substitute coughing for the banjos. I did prednisone and then went on a antibiotic, but this ickiness is lingering. That’s because the real prescription is rest, and that’s hard to do, especially at this time of year. But, I’m trying. I’m making an effort to get to bed between 8:00 and 9:00. Plus, I’ve eliminated as many obligations as I can, and am only doing the fun stuff. It’s kind of liberating, really. …

Santa Squad

The holiday spirit is upon us! Mahoosuc Mills is getting ready for the Down Home Holiday Festival next weekend, and they just put up the tree down to Town Hall, the one with stars on it. On each star is a request for a present from a kid in town. You know, a kid whose family needs a little help. Some of them will just break your heart: a Barbie doll, Play Dough, a new winter hat and mittens. I mean, these kids have nothing. Anyone can go down there, take a star, buy the present, wrap it and drop it back to the Town Hall. If there are any stars left over, the Knights …