Me and the Women Who Run With the Moose were down to the Bangor Mall the other day. You know, living la vida loca. Came time for lunch, and we went to this cute little café that just opened up. (Can’t remember the name.) I ordered a Chipotle Chicken Panini with a side of sweet potato fries. After the waitress left the table, I says to the girls, “It just dawned on me, if we walked in here ten years ago, we wouldn’t know what half the things on this menu are. We’d be like, “What the heck’s a Panini?” “I know!” Betty adds. “Now, we get disappointed if they hand us a menu and …

So I go into Cumbies to pick up a Cow Tail. (For those of you who’ve led a sheltered life, that’s a caramel candy.) It was a reward for .…..well, I can’t remember what right now, but I know I deserved it at the time. I just love them things! Anyhoo, behind the counter is this guy from away whose name is Guy. That’s what it says on his name tag. I’ve seen him there before, but don’t know hardly nothing about him. See, his demeanor doesn’t exactly invite conversation. He must be about my age, I’m guessing: glasses, gray hair and mustache. Big chain around his neck that must have had a gold finish …

But Summer Just Started!

Why am I seeing apples on trees and yesterday at the Rite Aid, Halloween candy? That’s just not right! Summer just got started! The older I get, the quicker the seasons pass. Well, not winter. That one tends to linger, doesn’t it? While sweet, sweet summer is like a blink of the eye. Granted, this summer was a hot one. How hot was it? Well, it was so hot, you break a sweat just sitting there watching the tube. It was so hot, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk, bacon on the hood of your car: sizzling! It was so hot, my house has become a no underwear/no shoe zone. Just a loose …

Chuck It in a Bucket

As many of you know, I’m big into decluttering. It just feels so good to get rid of stuff. Stuff you don’t really use, anyway. Why not pass it on to folks who could? Plus, come this time in the summer, I gotta confess, I’m pretty much feeling like a slug. Cleaning out a drawer, or selling something we haven’t used in years on Craig’s List, makes me feel like I’m being productive, without working up too much of a dew, you know? Now, that’s a win/win. I learned about decluttering from my niece Caitlin who, along with her job down to Mahoosuc Health Food, just happens to be a certified Feng Shui consultant. She …

The Women Who Run With the Moose, (that’s me and my friends, Celeste, Rita, Betty, Dot, and Shirley), went to see “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been wicked busy lately, so I’m just getting around to reviewing it. Which is a problem, because I can’t really remember much about it. A cotton candy kind of movie, that’s what I’d call it: light and fluffy and a lot of fun while you’re eating it. But if someone asked you afterwards to describe what it tasted like, you’d be hard pressed. I know! That makes it the perfect summer movie. Did you see the first “Mamma Mia” movie? Basically the …

My name’s Ida, and I’m an office supplies addict: highlighters, Post-its, paper clips, folders, organizing bins, free pens, pads of paper in hotels, clip boards, Sharpies in all shapes and sizes, you name it. I’ve tried turning it over to a higher power, but that higher power is usually Staples, if you know what I’m saying. To be honest, I’ve dabbled around with office supplies for years, and most of the time it’s manageable. Sure, I’ve been known to over highlight a book I’m reading or color code activities in my calendar. And I admit I did get a little crazy when the Post-it flags and arrows come out. And, full disclosure, Charlie came close …

Silence, Please

Why do they play music everywhere you go? I mean, I’ve been shopping in a store and have to leave because the music is too distracting. And loud. I can barely hear myself think! Charlie, too.  Too Loud at the Bank One of my errands was to go to the bank I walked inside and my heart just sank ‘Cause once again they got the music cranked too loud That just shouldn’t be allowed When I’m in here I gotta concentrate With too much noise my thinking isn’t straight I can’t even handle a deposit slip Man, I gotta get a grip Too loud at the bank, now is it just me, or Is this …

A Wasted Smile

You’ve heard that question, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Maybe, maybe not. I wasn’t there, so I don’t really care. But, I was reminded of it last week when Charlie and me were out walking Scamp, and we were passed by a jogger coming the other way. He’s this guy from away who moved in down the street. We see him out jogging quite a bit. Meaning, it’s not like we’re strangers. So I do what I usually do when we see people on our morning jaunt. I smile and say, “Good morning!” I may even throw in, “Beautiful day, …

Maine Made Gourmet

Last Tuesday, Archie Johnson come into the A&P, per usual. He’s what we affectionately refer to in Mahoosuc Mills as a “mangy, old fart.” Lives in a rundown trailer on the edge of town: tires piled in the yard, blue tarps, broken cars on cinder blocks, you name it. I know, sounds like a cliché. But cliché’s come from somewhere. Archie is living proof. Archie generally keeps himself to himself. “Lives off the land,” would be a nice way to put it. Comes into town once a week for “supplies.” Though his looks and odor can be a little off putting (Archie would never get a gold star for personal hygiene), he’s harmless enough. So …

Lost in Space

Charlie and me are at the age where we spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter. We walk into a room and think, Now, what am I here after? (Tommy’s aunt told me that one, and boy, ain’t it the truth!) If you find yourself always losing things, routine is your friend. It’s simple. Choose a place where something is going to live, say your car keys, and always return the thing in question to it’s home base. That way, it’ll always be there when you need it. Easier said than done, right? Your cell phone rings as you’re wrestling grocery bags from the car into the house. You put everything on the …
