Two Ships Passing in the Night

Charlie and me have never really been great sleepers, and that certainly hasn’t improved with age. I usually wake up every couple of hours. I get up to pee and go right back to sleep, most of the time. Unless I start thinking, of course. A few nights ago, I slept for three straight hours. I got so excited about it, I had a hard time getting back to sleep. Luckily, I’m a good napper. Charlie’s the same. He doesn’t seem to pee all that much during the day, but he makes up for it at night. Here’s his latest. Hardly Slept At All Last Night Hardly slept at all last night Bedtime was a …

Thanks, Charlie!

Charlie’s helping me out with my blog while I’m busy dealing with the stuff you have to do after someone dies. Dad did a good job of setting things up right, but there’s still a bunch of details to take care of. Thanks, Charlie! A Non-Issue  Our gas range, of course, comes with a timer When your stuff is cooked, it lets out a beep A beep that repeats ’til you hit the button A beep sure to wake me if I am asleep A dependable sound we’ve come to rely on When baking or cooking all manner of grub A beep, I’m afraid, that has kind of decayed Into something more like you would …

Weather Rollercoaster

Boy oh boy. What is it they say? If you don’t like the weather in New England, wait a minute. Ain’t that the truth. The Poet Laureate of Mahoosuc Mills tackles that very subject in his latest. Arctic Blast How about that arctic blast We got the weekend before last? Forty below with wind chill factor! How could any creature hack ‘er? January weren’t as bad As you’d expect, so we were glad Suddenly the temp’s, they fell And blessed us with this Arctic Hell T’wasn’t fit for man or beast We didn’t like it in the least, The dog and I, t’was just too cold To go out for our daily stroll So cold, …

Wacky Winter

A mild winter in Maine? I’m all in. I’m sure we’ll get some big storms eventually, but I’m content right now with rain and the occasional light snow. 20 degrees one day and 45 the next. When I think back to my winters as a kid, it seemed like we had big piles of snow for months. Maybe the snow banks just looked bigger because I was smaller. Found this picture from the olden days. See my expression. Even then I didn’t look all that excited about snow. Charlie seems to hanker more for a real winter than me. He misses ice fishing and snowmobiling. Hard to believe he misses plowing, snow blowing, roof raking …

Half-a-Banana Man

The longer I’m married, the more I realize sometimes Charlie and me just have a completely different way of looking at things. Not the big things, of course. We’re on the same page there. But, you know, it’s those little things he does over and over again that can just irritate the crap out of me. And vice versa. Charlie was inspired to write a little diddy about one such thing. Half-a-Banana Man  First thing this morning, I reach in the bowl Grabbed the one banana, I can’t eat it whole, so I took about half, put the other half back Boy, did I ever get flack! I like to start my day before I …

My Hero

One of the things I love most about Charlie is he sees what needs to be done and does it. No need to form a committee, and discuss it to death. No ignoring it and hope someone else will step up to the plate. (Okay, to be honest, there were a few incidents where he left a scrap of toilet paper on the roll instead of replacing it. Hey, no one’s perfect.) But all in all, my Charlie’s a doer, and that includes writing poetry about what he’s doing. Here’s the latest. Happy to Have Done My Bit Today I saw a scary sight Drivin’ back to my abode Something dark was sitting right In …

Whiskers In the Carburetor

Charlie’s been in overdrive with his poetry, and I’m grateful for that. I’m still getting used to being back at work with my eye not being 100%. I find I’m a little more tired than usual. I think it’s because my good eye is having to work overtime because the vision in my other eye is pretty blurry and a little distorted. Still, it’s good to be easing into life and finding my new normal. I’m appreciating every minute of it, especially coming home to our little love bug, Cora, putting my feet up and kicking back with the big guy. Anyhoo, here’s Charlie’s latest. They say “move it or lose it.” I guess that’s …

Vincent DiSalvo

It’s been a year since our neighbor, Vincent DiSalvo died. His wife Sarah had an open house on Sunday afternoon to mark the occasion. She’s doing pretty good, considering. A bunch a people showed up and it was a nice get together. Folks told stories about Vinnie, of course. What a great guy he was. How he could fix anything. Never charged for it, either, though he wouldn’t say no to a meal. And dessert? He’d always ask for seconds. Vinnie touched a lot of lives, and Mahoosuc Mills misses him. But, like in a lot of small towns, we take care of our own, and some have stepped up to the plate. Charlie’s one …

Don’t Forget Your Safety Goggles

After a certain age, your body changes. You and I know this to be true. The fat in your butt inches it’s way ‘round your stomach. That extra plumpness that was keeping your breast perky has headed south for the duration, taking up permanent residence on your inner thighs. Your hair migrates from where you want it to someplace else, where you don’t. Then there’s the feet. Women, like me, tend to get bunions caused by shoes that are too tight, too narrow or too high. In short, they’re cute, but impractical. Hey, you have to suffer to be beautiful, right? Men get what Charlie and his friends call “old man feet.” I don’t even …

Early Saturday morning, dog walked, I’m in the yard dead heading my leggy petunias. All of a sudden, I hear a commotion coming from behind our shed. Going to investigate, I turn the corner and see a flash of orangey brown fur and wings flapping. Took a sec to figure out it was a fox killing one of our new neighbor’s chickens. So, I start yelling and waving my arms and the fox runs off. Poor chicken’s done for. I go get a kitchen garbage bag to put it in. It was gross, let me tell you, but it had to be done. Frankly, I was glad I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. Just as I’m …
