I don’t really have anything to add to this little ditty Charlie wrote for me. Thanks, honey, you made my day! Stick With Stuff You Do the Best For every nest up in the trees Each bird’s got their specialties Same as us, down below Some of these you prob’ly know: I’m the one who mows the lawn And rakes ’til every leaf is gone But without her, doing laundry, Boy, would I be in a quan’dry! While she lets me hunt for mice She keeps the whole place looking nice Bathroom is all spic ‘n span (Count on me to plunge the can) Trash is not an irritation Haul it to the transfer station …

Folks, I’m feeling a little out of sorts this morning. Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re thinking: Hurricane Ida, right? Like I haven’t heard jokes like that all week. You just wait until you have a hurricane named after you! The last time this happened to me was in 2009, and it seems too soon for it to happen again. Speaking of too soon, and the reason I’m a little down right now, one of the saddest days of summer happened last Monday. You know what I’m talking about: the arrival of our hardy mums down to the A&P. (Sigh.) Sure, they have tight little buds at the moment, but that means we’re only a …

Charlie’s latest brings to mind so many thoughts. Take a gander, then I’ll share ‘em with you. Look Up and Be Proud Grandpa once told me “Look up and be proud! Distinguishable From the rest of the crowd” But each time I did, Wouldn’t you know, I’d stumble or trip Over something below A rake or a pail Or the root of a tree A crusty old dog That I didn’t see There’s always some obstacle Down on the ground That is the reason I’ve always looked down My posture, I know, Has taken a hit Best thing for me? Find somewhere to sit Where I’m out of range Of things I could trip on …

Charlie and me have two different speeds. He’s usually the slow steady one. Methodical, I’d call it. He ticks chores off his list, one by one. I know he’ll get things done in his own time. I’m a multi-tasker and more of a sprinter. I race around doing this and that until I’m worn out, then I collapse. If we have company coming for dinner, for example, and Charlie asks if he can help, most likely I’ll say, “Just stay out of my way.”  I’m not good at delegating because I lose too much time explaining. I tend to be doing something all the while thinking about the next one or two items on my …

It’s that time of year again where squirrels and drivers do si do. You have to keep an eagle eye out because an excited squirrel and a distracted driver is not a good combo. Not for the squirrel, certainly, but not you, either. Remember back in 2018 (I looked it up) where it was crazy how many dead squirrels were on the road? I guess there was a bumper crop of acorns the year before, so there were more little squirrels that year. All the young squirrels were leaving the nest about the same time, and apparently they weren’t taught to look both ways before crossing the road. This year’s squirrel population seems about normal, …

My birthday was last week, though to be honest I celebrate all month. I always take the day off from work and do what I want to do. That includes bacon for breakfast and going out of supper (which we could actually do this year) with popcorn, candy, and binge watching something in between. Throw in a sunshine-y walk with Scamp and a little cuddling with my guys, and it’s a perfect day. As if that wasn’t enough, the best thing happened on Saturday. I got together with the Women Who Run With the Moose: inside with hugs. Yes! We’re all fully vaccinated! So we had a birthday party, not just for me, but for …

Have you had these weird thick, white rain events? (I refuse to call it snow.) They’ve stopped now, I hope. But I got caught in one a couple weeks ago. I was driving to see dad and all of a sudden, I’m in a white, whirling mess and can hardly see. Only lasted about two minutes. Still, it left me feeling strange and unsettled. I hate seeing white stuff on the daffodils and forsythia. ‘Course it’s spring in Maine. Anything can happen. Spring, winter, spring all in one day (or even one hour) is par for the course. Happened to Charlie last week while he was walking Scamp. Snow Squall Snow squall bearing down on …

You know you’re old when: you go to bed fine, wake up the next morning, and your back is out. you stand up after sitting for a while, and you have a little Walter Brennan thing going. (If you don’t know who Walter Brennan is, this probably doesn’t apply to you. Yet.) you bend your knees a bit when you sneeze to “protect your back.” you sustain a napping related injury. You know, you wake up, stretch real big, and pull something in your neck. you take a car ride and stop somewhere to go the bathroom, and it takes you all the way to the door to stand up straight. Along with fat migrating …

A few weeks ago now, we had this wicked wind storm. Why, some of them gusts were “kill-a-witch” strong. Meaning strong enough to pick up our double-wide and drop us off in Oz! Charlie and me hardly slept all night. Thank goodness Scamp isn’t anxious in a wind or thunder storm. He saves his Nervous Nellie act for when we’re in the car. ‘Course once things settled down, the yard was a mess. Thankfully, that’s Charlie’s department. See, we have a separate but equal approach to chores. For the most part, I take care of the inside of the house and Charlie takes care of the outside. There is a little crossover. We do the …

Every house project takes at least two, three, four times longer than you think it’s going to. The box that says “all parts included” is lying. You dive into repairing that little bit of rot outside the front door and discover it’s the tip of the iceberg. And don’t even get me going on window treatments and paint chips! Experience has taught me that if Charlie’s going to be attempting one of these little chores, it’s best if I’m out of the house. So Saturday, when Charlie announced he was going to install our new bathroom blind, I called up my sister, Irene. We went for a window visit with dad down to Mahoosuc Green. …
