The Key to a Happy Marriage

I was out walking Scamp the other day and run into Pearl Plaisted dead-heading geraniums in her yard. “Ida!” she says, “I haven’t seen you all summer. Why don’t you come in for some iced tea, dear?” “Sounds good!” I reply. “It’s some hot out, huh?” Pearl seemed a little stuck in the “half way up” position, so I give her an assist, and into the house we go. “Hank,” she yells, “you decent? Ida’s here.” Scamp loves going over to Hank and Pearl’s place ‘cause that means he gets to terrorize their cat Tiki, named after some football player, I guess. Sitting on the screened in porch, we got to talking about the big …

Time to Recharge

It’s the first blog of the month again, and you know what that means. The year’s winding down, and we’re on Chapter Ten of my book, Finding Your Inner Moose, called “Getting Rid of Frogs and Toads.” No, it’s not about amphibians. This chapter’s about self care. Hey, it’s a self help book. You gotta have a chapter on self care, right? I don’t know about you, but my life tends to be plumb-chucka-full of what Charlie and me call the gottas, gotta do this, gotta do that. So much so, it’s real easy to get overwhelmed. And when I get on one of these benders, seems like every time I open my mouth to …

Go With Your Gut

Well, folks, it’s the first blog of the month again. Is it just me, or is time speedin’ up? Seems like Fourth of July was just yesterday, and here it is, September. Yikes! It’s the ninth month, so we’re focusing on Chapter Nine of my book, Finding Your Inner Moose. This one’s called “Listening to Your Inner Moose,” and is about intuition. I know, kind of woo woo, but basically it’s all about listening to your senses and trustin’ what they tell you. Sounds simple enough, but problem is, when your head gets involved, it makes it harder to hear your inner voice. My husband Charlie says it best. He has a little section in …

Rewardin’ Effort, Not Outcome

It’s the first blog of the month again, so you know the drill. We’re trying to incorporate a little change from my book, Finding Your Inner Moose, into our life each month, hoping it becomes habit. Our aim? Livin’ the good life, of course. Isn’t this year just is flying by? I mean, we’re already on “Chapter Six: A Good Marriage Starts With Please and Thank You.” Now like in real life, I do most of the talkin’ in my book. But I’m not the only one. My husband Charlie has a little section in each chapter where he weighs in on whatever topic I’m covering. You know, givin’ the guys point of view. His …
