You know how you can look at things but not really see ‘em? This happens to me sometimes when I look in the mirror. I know how to stand so I look pretty good most of the time. Then I see a photo of me, and I’m thinking, “What happened to my neck? Who took that? Guess I’m not as cute as I thought I was.”
Well, I was walking with my sister, Irene, the other day. We were strolling around the neighborhood. It’s my usual route, one I walk most every day.
Anyhoo, Irene stops and goes, “Look at that sign.”
“Yup,” I says. “They have an invisible fence for their dog.”
“And what’s the sign hanging on?”
“Oh, my God! It’s hanging on a fence. I never put that together!”
Once you see something like that, you can’t unsee it. Now, every time I walk by, I giggle.
The other day I saw a life coach, Mel Robbins, on one of them morning shows. I like Mel ‘cause she’s no nonsense kind of gal. She was talking about this idea she calls the “High Five Habit.” What you’re supposed to do is, in the morning after you brush your teeth, look in the mirror. Set your intention for the day, then high five your reflection.
Mel was wicked excited about it. Supposed to give you energy and confidence and set you up for the day. What the hell, I thought. I’ll give it a try. Mel warned us it was going to feel weird at first, and she wasn’t lying. I tried it for a week, and it didn’t get any better.
Then I realized, wait a minute. I’ve never high fived anyone in my life. Okay, I may have high fived a golden retriever once, but who could resist that? I’ve seen people do it, of course, but somehow I can’t picture the Women Who Run With the Moose high fiving each other after a good day of shopping down to the Bangor Mall. No, we celebrate the good old fashioned way: by stopping at the Dairy Queen for Peanut Buster Parfaits.
So, I went back to doing what I usually do: before I get out of bed in the morning, I think through my day. Then I get up and walk Cora. While I do, I think about all of yesterday’s things I’m grateful. Starts the day off right.
So basically, Mel and I are on the same page, but different books. Does that make sense? I say, whatever floats your boat.
I’ll close with this little gem. I saw Franny Ward down to the A&P last week. She had on the cutest sweater: hot pink with sparkly silver polka dots. Now I believe if someone’s looking sharp you should say something.
“Franny, don’t you look nice. That sweater is just adorable.”
“Thanks, dear.”
“Is it new?”
“Heck no, Ida. This thing’s old enough to vote!”
That’s it for now. Catch you on the flip side!
Hear Ida Tell It: Random Nuggets