Part of a happy marriage, in my opinion, is knowing what you’re good at and doing it. I’m a big fan of division of labor. Forcing Charlie to clean the house with me would be hell for both of us. And truth be told, I have no interest in going to the dump, mowing the lawn, or (God forbid!) snow blowing. We’ve just kind of negotiated and specialized over the years, and now we’re in a rhythm with it. Here’s Charlie’s take on this.
I Do the Dishes
Our kitchen is tiny
There’s no room for two
So when Ida’s cooking
She tells me to shoo
Me in the way
Is not what she wishes
So I, I do the dishes
She plans the meals
Like any chef would
And cooks ‘em up better
Than I ever could
I may not be earning us
Fabulous riches
But I, I do the dishes
Doin’ the dishes
May strike you as common
When I do ‘em, oh!
All the dishes go, “Amen”
More than just clean
I make the stuff gleam
And there’s never a speck
Of food stuck upon ‘em
Cleaning up after’s
The least I can do
So how ‘bout some credit
Where credit is due?
Ida’s home cooking
May be delicious
But I, I do the dishes!
The other biggie when it comes to marriage is appreciating. You know, saying thank you and praising a job well done. If you want that Honey Do list done in a timely manner, make sure to thank your spouse for every task completed.
Now, Charlie doesn’t always notice when I’ve spent the day cleaning. Instead of resenting that fact, I help him out by telling him. Charlie’s learned from experience that when that happens, thanks and appreciation are in order. It’s all about teamwork.
That’s it for now. Catch you on the flip side!
Hear Ida Tell It: Division of Labor